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2021 Municipal Service Review

The Municipal Service Review provides a review of the public agency's service delivery.  Examines the agency's infrastructure, governance, and capacity to serve current and future projected growth.  Identifies planned infrastructure improvements and identifies issues, needs, and/or deficiencies.


This Municipal Service Review is prepared in support of a request by the MPUD for a change in organization for purposes of amending its Sphere of Influence (SOI), to make the SOI coterminous with the proposed expanded Mariposa Town Plan Boundary and annexing additional land to the District to make the Service Area Boundary coterminous with the boundary of the Mariposa Town Plan.


The draft MSR is available for review at this link.


Mariposa LAFCo and the MPUD Board of Directors will host a joint public meeting to discuss the draft MSR for MPUD on Monday, December 6, 2021, beginning at 2 PM, Mariposa County Government Center, Board Chambers, 5100 Bullion Street, Mariposa.  At the meeting, LAFCo Commissioners and MPUD Directors will receive a presentation on the draft MSR for MPUD, have an opportunity to ask questions about the draft document and process, and discuss the project.  No decision on the MSR will be made at this meeting.



Mariposa Town Planning Area Reorganization Project
(MPUD Service Area Annexation and Sphere of Influence Update)

Project Description:  Currently, the MPUD Service Area contains 954 acres within the Mariposa Town Planning Area.  The proposal would annex or add 1,636 acres to make the MPUD Service Area coterminous with the TPA boundary.  the proposal would allow the annexed land to potentially receive services from MPUD.  MPUD currently provides water, wastewater and fire protection services to land within its boundary.  The proposal would also amend the Sphere of Influence (probable future boundaries for MPUD Service Area).  The Annexation and Sphere Amendment are formal reorganization actions that require approval by Mariposa LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission).


The MPUD Boad of Directors will hold a public hearing on this matter on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 6:30 p.m. at the MPUD Fire Station located at 5273 Highway 49 North, Mariposa.


The Public Hearing Notice is available at this link.


The Staff Report and Frequently Asked Questions.


District Contact Information

Mariposa Public Utility District

4992 7th Street

P.O. Box 494

Mariposa CA 95338

Office Phone:  (209) 966-2515  Fax: (209) 966-6615


Office Hours:

Monday- Thursday: 8am-5pm Friday 8am-4pm

Closed for lunch from 12-1


After-Hour Emergency Contact


Water and Wastewater services




For Fire emergencies, dial 911

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